Dr. In-Sub Ahn's Website
Academic works of Dr. In-Sub Ahn
Ph.D. & Drs. dissertations
Augustine and Calvin about Church and State: A Comparison, Kampen: Van Den Berg, 2003.
(Ph.D. Dissertation at Kampen Theological University, The Netherlands)
"Calvin's Reception of Augustine's Ideas on Church and State," Kampen: Kampen Theological Universiry, 1999.
(Drs.(Th.M.) Dissertation at Kampen Theological University, The Netherlands)
“Augustine’s Interpretation of the Bible about Church and State,” Journal of Korean Institute for Reformed Studies, vol. 16 (2015), pp. 395-427.
“Calvin’s Thoughts and Works on Society and his Teachings for the Reunification of Korea,” in: Chongshin Theological Journal vol. 22 (2014). pp. 127-146.
“Calvin’s Theology of Reconciliation in his Sermons,” in: Calvinus clarissimus theologus: Papers of the Tenth International Congress on Calvin Research (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2012), pp. 11-36.
“John Calvin's Reception in North-East Asia,” in: Chongshin Theological Journal vol. 16 (2011). pp. 151-175.
"Calvin in Asia," in: The Calvin Handbook (Grand Rapidis: Eerdmans Publishing, 2009).
"Calvijn in Azië," in: Calvijn Handboek (Kok: Kampen, 2008).
"Calvin in Asia," in: The Calvin Handbuch (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2008).
“Calvijn in (Zuid-) Korea,” in: Het Calvinistisch Ongemak (Kok: Kampen, 2009), pp. 237-248.
“The Presbyterian Churches of (South) Korea and the Reunification Issue - A Matter of Reconciliation,” in: Contact Zone. Explorations in Intercultural Theology vol. 1 (2009). pp. 85-95.
“Calvin's Thought on Civitas Dei,” in: Calvin in Asian Churches vol. 3. (Korea Calvin Society, 2008), 267-291.
“Calvin's View of Augustine and the Donatist Church,” in: Calvinus sacrarum literarum interpres: Papers of the International Congress on Calvin Research (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2008), pp. 271-284).
A Historical Development of the Relationship between the South and the North Korean Protestant “Churches from 1945 to the Beginning of 21st Century,” in: Chongshin Theological Journal vol. 13 (2008), pp. 168-187.
“A Study on the Components of Augustine's Teachings on Church and State,” in: Chongshin Theological Journal vol. 11 (2006), pp. 189-216.
"Implication of the Reformation 500 Years for the Korean Churches," 2016 ATA Triennial General Assembly and International Conference. Reformation and Asia (Chongnshin University, Seoul, Korea,2016. 7. 25-29).
"Suffering in J. Calvin(1509-1564) and Jean Taffin(1529-1602)," 11th International Congress on Calvin Research (Zürich, 2014. 8. 24-28).
"Calvin's Theology on the Multi-Cultural Church of Geneva and its Reflection on the Korean Context," Church Life in an urban secular and multi religious context, organized by Protestant Theological University, The Netherlands (Hongkong, 2012. 11. 15-11. 18).
"Social Teachings of John Calvin and His Suggestions for the Reunification of Korea," 111th Conference of Church History Society in Korea & Refo500 Asia Conference (Chongshin University, Seoul, Korea,2012. 5. 25-5. 26).
"Calvin's Theology of Loving Neighbors," 11th Asian Congress on Calvin Research and Refo500 Asia (Chongshin University, Seoul, Korea, 2011. 1. 17-1-19).
"Calvin's Theology of reconciliation in his Sermons," 10th International Congress on Calvin Research (Free State University, South Africa, 2010. 8. 22-8. 27).
"The 7th International Conference of North-East Asia Council of Studies of History of Christianity," The Comparative Study of the Christian Movement in North-East Asia (Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China, 2009. 8. 24-8.26).
"Het Calvinistisch Ongemak," Calvijn als erflater en provocator van het Nederlandse protestantisme organized by De Protestantse Theologische Universiteit (Kampen, The Netherlands, 2009.4.28).
"Calvin's Thoughts on Civitas Dei," Calvin: toujours Nouveau, 10th Asia Calvin Congress (Tokyo, 2007.8.21-23).
"Calvin's View of Augustine and the Donatist Church," The ninth International Congress on Calvin Research (Emden, Germany, 2006.6.22-26).
"A Development of the Viewpoint of the Presbyterian Churches of South Korea toward North Korea," Congress Kampen Theological University 1854-2004 (Kampen, The Netherlands, 2004.9.1.-9.4).
"The development of Augustine's idea on Church and State - centering on his interpretation of Dan 2: 31-45," (The Netherlands School for Advanced Studies in Theology and Religion) Annual Conference (Amsterdam, 2001 11.2.)
"Mijn ervaringen in Kampen als Koreaan,"Communique, vol.16-1. Kampen: Kampen Theological University, 1999. pp.67-70.]